Tag Archive | AQW

Season’s Greetings from Ellonnah and Voltage!

It was decided that this post would be a little bit unique and be written by TWO authors! But not just any two authors. You see, it turns out that WE’RE COUSINS! Yes, Ellonnah and Voltage are real life cousins. 2 geeks in a podracer that’s bigger on the inside (if you don’t get the references, we are close and are both geeks).

Ellonnah: This Christmas our families came together. It became mandatory when I was told that I was the only person Voltage even got a present for. How could I say no, right? I knew what I was going to get him, but for kicks, I asked him to pick 3 (or more) heromart.com items $25- and I would randomly select one to be his Christmas present. Secretly, he and my hubby planned just as awesome a present for me as I had for him!

Voltage: I knew she was a Cysero fanatic [Lonnah whispers: It’s true!], and that she was getting me something from Heromart. So I put 2 and 2 together and got 42. I did a little looking around and found the perfect gift: a shirt that had Cysero flying on a piece of bacon! I had to get it. I asked her husband for her size and got ready to order her present. Then, tragedy struck…

Ellonnah: Oh no! What happened?? (I legit can’t remember this part of the story…)

Voltage: They were out! DUN DUN DUN! So I emailed Heromart and asked when they would get more shirts in. They said they didn’t know if they ever would get any more. My plans had been shot down quicker than mauve space ship. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t think of anything. At the time, I had just bought a digital version of ‘Something About A Dragon?’ from the One-Eyed Doll website to try to win a poster, which I did. I had actually asked them to sign it, not realizing it was digital. They emailed me and, after a conversation, they asked me to pick a CD for them to sign and send. I was looking through the store, when I found the perfect present.

Ellonnah: And it truly was! I love OED so much. Kimberly is truly the bestest ever. Soooo, what did you get meee?

Voltage: It may or may not have possibly maybe almost could have been a shirt signed by Kimberly, OED’s guitarist!

Ellonnah: Oh my gosh, it is!



Ellonnah in the One-Eyed Doll shirt from Voltage, signed by Kimberly and Junior!



Best cousin ever, right?? <Chaos Lord Kimberly was here> Now… I was going to get my dearest relative an Artix action figure… BUT!!! (Right? Another “but”, always something interrupting our plans)… My husband was looking and said “A personalized Artix is only $5 more, let’s get him that one.” So we did!  With Daimyo “Arf”ing on the box in shar pei *cough* excuse me… *Sharpie, and a few other doodles, and a signature from Artix, himself, Christmas shopping was complete!

Voltage: I was confident the package would get here in time, because Kimberly said that they were doing a big Christmas shipment that night, but as the days passed, I got worried. Our internet had been freaking out that night, and I wondered if the package had gotten through. But all my fears were put to rest when I opened a package to find Monster, signed by Kimberly, 2 OED stickers, a note, a piece of Laffy Taffy, and Ellonnah’s shirt.

Ellonnah: I want a sticker! What flavor was the Laffy Taffy? Also, I am SO excited for you to be a Paladin HighLord with me! We’re totally the coolest cousins ever. Our Artixes should be friends, I think. I was also pretty excited to open your present when it got here. I wanted to see all the things Artix drew on it and if it was, in fact, autographed. AND IT WAS! Yay!



The Artix HighVoltage got from Ellonnah for Christmas

The Artix HighVoltage got from Ellonnah for Christmas

Voltage: I think that it was strawberry, Ellonnah. If you want, I can give you the other sticker when I get OoT. I used the other to personalize my Magic case. So, Christmas Eve day, I got a bag, folded the shirt so it looked like a plain white t-shirt, covered it with tissue paper, and put it under the tree. I was so excited. All I had to do was wait. I actually had just got out of the shower when I heard that she was going to be coming over early to talk about AQW (you lied, by the way. I kept looking out the window.) Seriously, she and Issac were the last people to come over.

Ellonnah: In my defense, we were late because we forgot your present… it was worth being late. I would love a sticker for my lappytop, though. Well, I think it is time to wrap this up. I hope you all had an exceptional holiday! What did you get for Christmas? Anything geeky? This is Ellonnah, signing off!

Voltage: And good news! Since I got the Paladin Highlord class, I decided to become good (/cheer). How did I do this you ask? I simply asked King Alteon to cut my knee. He has a good sword arm. Cysero made me a new leg, can’t even tell it’s fake. This is HighVoltage225, and I will post again in 2015. Allons-y!

Ellonnah and Voltage: And BATTLE ON!!!

Happy Frostval, everyone!

Happy Frostval, everyone!

HighVoltage225 and Ellonnah

HighVoltage225 and Ellonnah

HighVoltage and Ellonnah showing off their awesome Christmas gifts from each other

HighVoltage and Ellonnah showing off their awesome Christmas gifts from each other

Thanksgiving in Lore: An Epic Journey

*Ellonnah removes the stuffed jungle vulture from the oven and replaces it with a moglinberry spiced pie. She beckons to Voltage to set the table and asks Occavatra to pour out the drinks for everyone. Dwightt sweeps through the door with a bundle of logs and tended the fire warming the cauldron of gorillaphant gravy.*

‘Volt…. make sure you set a place for Geek. It wouldn’t feel right to not have a place for him.” I smiled softly. “It was kind of him to let us gather for this feast in his home.”

Volt nods and grabs another mismatched dinner set from the cabinet. I scoop the stuffing from the vulture into a dish as Occavatra returns and passes him the dish and a bowl of mashed potato to put out. As he walks away, Volt returns from setting Geek’s place.

“Anything else you’d like me to help with?” he asked me briskly. He liked to help out.

“If you could fill the gravy boats, set them out, and retrieve the steamed veggies and place them?” I replied kindly. A *DING* sounded. “Oh! Pie is ready! Dwightt, could you light the candles? Everyone, sit!” I removed the pie and set it to cool, removed my apron and bustled to the dining room, seating myself between Voltage and Geek’s empty setting.

Dwight spoke up, “Who would like to bless it?”

Occavatra looked across the table. “Ellie should. She put this together, and she’s a priestess.” Everyone smiled a little with a friendly chuckle.

“Well, HighLord.” I said shyly. “Okay, then. Let’s bow our heads, I guess…  This meal is the work of many hands, and we offer you a share. Great ones, accept our grace, and upon our hearth, leave your blessings and care.” A gold glowing shimmer flows over and around the table from my fingertips, blessing the food and the those about to consume it. We all lift our heads.

“Let’s eat!” Voltage says as the energy dissipates, and he grabs a drumstick and tugs at it.

A sudden thud was heard at the door that startled us and we looked up. The door burst open and a figure in a green cloak, dusted in snow, stepped through the door. After shaking away the cool white flakes, long, nimble fingers lowered the hood of the cloak. It was Geek! He made it! I stood from my chair excitedly and gave him a hug, smiling, and Dwightt, Occavatra, and Voltage each greet him with a handshake and a hug, saying hello their “Hellos” and “We missed yous”. We finally all shuffled back to the table. Dwightt began to carve the vulture, I reworked my blessing for Geek; Geek, Occavatra, and Voltage were filling their plates and passing dishes. Voltage even filled mine for me. It was good to have us all together again. The only thing that could make it better was to be joined by the adventurers that are now on their own.

“Now, what is everyone thankful for, today?” I chirped through the laughter and indulgence.

Occavatra swallowed a mouthful of mashed potato and gravy. “I am thankful for my friends, and the AE team for having me be a moderator and for filling me with joy.” He smiled and nodded at Dwightt to go on.

Dwightt cleared his throat before speaking, “I am thankful for all the friends I have made along my adventures over these many years. Go ahead, Voltage.”

“I am thankful for AQW, the amazing opportunity you guys have given me to share my stories, and for knee armor,” he said before taking a large bite of food, chewing quickly and gulping it.. “How about you, Ell?”

“I am thankful for all of the love and support I get from my friends when I need it most. You all are amazing. And thank you all for helping me put this together.” I smiled and looked to Geek.

“I am thankful to each of you for helping to keep this going. To Ellonnah stepping in for Amon and finding Voltage. To Dwightt for acting in my place while I was busy. To Voltage for being enthusiastic and contributing when you can. And to Occavatra for keeping it alive and taking over fully. I can’t thank you all enough, and I really appreciate it.” We all smiled and expressed our gratitude and humbleness, before returning to our meals and chatter.

As the pie was served and bellies were getting full, the excitement began to die down… Until another strange sound was heard from outside. Artix, the great Paladin, burst in through the door! “Guys, we need your help! Undead, fire, turdracken, giant, Cysero!!!” And he rushed back outside to the sounds of yelling and fighting. We all rose and headed out, grabbing our arms and armor. Sure enough, there it was…

A giant, undead, flaming turdracken brought to life by… you guessed it… Cysero.

*To be continued*

**All thanks (except Geek’s) were provided by authors, and are their real responses. Modified slightly if at all to fit the story.**

The Chronicles of Lore: Ellonnah’s Journey [end (FINALLY!)]

*Ellonnah is breathless but silent as she sweeps through the doors of an inn she was quite familiar with. Here, she knew she would be safe and well-protected. She clutched her Tome and removed her velvet green cloak, nodding and greeting Yulgar as she passed by the bar. “Oh, Yulgar?” she asked the innkeeper, who looked up from the stein he was cleaning. “Yes, madame?” “The bath room is clear, right? You were aware I would be arriving.” “Oh, uh, yes, madame. I had to beat Cysero away with a broom, but it’s clear.” “Thank you,” she smiled gently.


Ellonnah continued up the stairs, brought the tub to temperature and added suds before climbing in. She summoned her book and quill which floated before her. The quill began to write as she began to speak.*


I must admit, there was another reason I returned to town… besides the fact that I secretly enjoy hearing the tales of drunkards, warriors, travelers, and sailors.



Even the name makes my heart skip! In my first travels through Battleon, I met the man known as the “Mad Weaponsmith”. He was tall, funny, and perhaps a bit insane. He showed me his clubhouse and there gave me an amulet at our first meeting. It exploded in a mess of enchanted purple yogurt. I never want to see yogurt again… But he had a charm about him, and I couldn’t keep away. I would try to assist him at his forge, and if I felt the situation was a little… “iffy”… I’d simply admire from afar as I practiced my charms or healed wounded heroes.

It was nice of the trainers to let me practice in their halls. I kept up my skills, got better at others, and rarely lost focus from watching Cysero through the windows. Except that one time when my acid weapon enchantment actually turned the WEAPON into acid! Oopsy!

One evening I was among a group of soldiers and hunters, all of us drinking juice from Yulgar’s bar at a large round table when we heard it; the bells from the tower rang out. Sepulchure’s army had invaded. I was out there healing the wounded, blasting away the undead. I was unstoppable! A blast of fire whizzed past me and I retreated to the balcony of the Inn. I sat in deep concentration trying to remember a shielding spell from Father’s book. I held out an arm and my staff and chanted the words I recalled. A glow of cool white light swelled in front of me, becoming larger with the intensity of the spell. I shouted

Enemies may fly
Enemies may fall
circaling arms 
raise me a wall!!!


The blast shook the town in a firey flash, wiping away the undead invasion, and I collapsed in exhaustion.

I felt a sharp jabbing in my side as I came to. I opened my eyes to a man knelt down and holding out his hand. He’d been poking me with the blunt end of his spear. “Need a hand, miss?” he said with a smile. I took his hand and he hoisted me up. “The name is Geek, well, OptionalGeek. But you can call me Geek.”

“Ellonnah, but Ell, please.” I responded softly. I was still quite light headed. We sat at a table and had a drink, talking about what had happened, where each of us was from, and where we were going. Before long we were leaving the inn together, kicking at bones along the ground, and walking towards Greenguard without a clue in the world of what would be in store for us. I glanced back at my beloved Cysero one last time and felt no regret, so I kept walking. I knew this was the right choice.


So tonight, Royal BattleMage will arrive in the Swordhaven Rep Shop! I went all farming crazy like a boss and got Rank 10 last week. Thursday, I think.

So, Royal BattleMage

Royal BattleMage. It’s like….Blue Blood Titan! :O

is built for bosses and farming. I know what you’re thinking. “Wait, that’s Chunin’s job! *RageTown, USA*” But no. You have the option to farm or solo. How so? If the first skill, Enchanted Blade, is active, it won’t touch the other dudes. But if it’s not, you hit ’em all. That simple.

Dwightt, being the natural skeptic he is, says it’s “Unique, but let’s wait and see how it plays out”. But I don’t know what there is to be iffy about. Okay, there’s no heal, but that’s just okay. It’s got an over the top Arcane Shield (called Explosive Shield) that makes most incoming damage into MP, BUT! it also decreases the mana cost for each skill so when you’re running low, you use less.

Looks awesome! Gonna buy it right when it comes out, rank it up a bit, and then go do The Royal Wedding Finale! Let’s get to that next. Shaaalllll we?


Poster for Royal Wedding *cough* borrowed from the Design Notes.

The story so far: Princess Brittany and Lord Brentan are getting married. And it just so happened that King Alteon (Brittany’s Dad) also decided to go all Purple on us and become the 12th Chaos Lord while he’s at it. So it ended up here, anxiously awaiting the end. I don’t think they’re gonna kill him off, but fix hi,. Ya’ know what I mean?

We also got us some wedding rares.

This is female version, but I currently don’t have any screenies of the dudes. Besides. I think that’s Omni’s job.

Well that’s it for the wedding. For now, anyway. What is our next topic? *pulls note  out of big, full-sized Powerball spinner*

5th Upholder.

Awesome. So if you have an upgrade running through November 1st, 2013, or upgrade in the month of October, you get a 5th Upholder badge and 5 StarSwords! We got Green StarSword (my favorite), Galactic, Deep Galactic, Legion, and Chrono.

Chrono SS doesn’t really match the other crono-gear, so somewhere Alina said it’ll get changed. I think you merge it, but that might be the Green one. More details coming next week.

Next up, I think we have…Mogloween. This is gonna come tonight too, so I may be up late. If I remember correctly, I didn’t finish last year because of the stupid boss we all call reality. But there are some sorta epic things in the merge shop. Not to mention the Voodoo Brawler Hat in Yulgar’s which’ll fit some things perfectly.

Last note, Quibble the Coinbiter is going rare tonight! Last chance to get your Naval Commanders until NEXT year! And these ones are gone for-eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Oh yeah. AQW’s 5th Anniversary event is coming next week. We got Doctor Whats, Poison Ivy/Joker mashups, My Little Jedis and Siths, and a lot more unseen awesomeness.

Gonna be sweet.

Yours Truly,

Optional Geek, the dude with really sore fingers from writing all that in an hour.

Wheel of Doom Speculations

So, a lot of AQW staff has mentioned lots of things about Swaggy’s Wheel of Doom. Some of these include:

Pink Doom

August 12, 2013

Wheel of Doom?!?!

More Doom Coming Soon… 

Oh yes. We are for real. Erm… for wheel, is more like it. I heard whispers hinting at something called the Wheel of Doom… which is said to award heroes and villains with super-hard-to-obtain items… and even some items that are no longer available!

Wheel of Doom

What does this mean? When will the Wheel of Doom come? Looks like I have a serious eavesdropping mission ahead of me. As soon as I hear more about it, you will be the first to know!

Until then… Battle on my brave barbarians and heroic babes!

xoxo Beleen

On that note, it leaves us hanging with veeerryyyyy little information. But, if you look REALLY closely, at maybe 2-3 o’clock, is it just me or do I see “Class”?! Can it be? For real? A chance to win a free class?! Even though “Class” might be the best, I also notice Armors, Potions, Capes, Helmets, Gold, Weapons and a Treasure Chest. Treasure Chest?! Can it be? Now, Treasure Chest as in:


chest? Or a new kind of chest that has never been seen before? I only have enough to open one more Chest, so in that case, it seems it might do me no good. But, until Friday, I have no idea what’s gonna be expected…Maybe this would help:

Alina ‏@Alina_AE 

Swaggy’s Wheel of Doom arrives this Friday! Legends get one FREE spin EVERY day! Details in this week’s Design Notes! pic.twitter.com/ZukJRLUMqb

Free spin? As in, pay gold/ACs for it? That’s what it looks like. But if I get a free spin everyday until December 2nd, I guess I’m good. But I dunno. Maybe it’s not all it’s hyped up to be. Oh no. Is Grimskull gonna strangle me silently in my sleep for saying that? *equips Exalted Soul cleaver, (my best class)* Who knows. It might be the best thing that ever happened to AQW, maybe it might be a total flop. Who am I kidding? Even AQW’s worst release was never a flop…If there was, would this site even be here?

I just noticed…This might be the longest post I’ve ever written…OMG. I am so hungry right now I just wrote “This might be the longest post I’ve ever eaten”…Sorry.


~Optional Geek

Hey guys.


It’s been a while, I know. I realized I never finished Sandsea, Arcangrove, or Bloodtusk…So I was busy with that for a while…


So what’s been up with you? Feel free to tell me!


I have opened so many Treasure Chests recently. I just keep my hopes up that one day I may get Altar of Caladbolg. I did get Altar of Ragnarok, but I didn’t like it so I sold it. Such a waste of ACs.


I am working on an Edward Kenway set, but it looks like it’s gonna be pricey…Hasashin armor is wa-a-a-a-ay too much. Ugh. But I’ll make do (or is it due?) I thought the helm for that LightBringer set would work, but alas, it’s a little bit..umm…too gilded(?) so I have to find something else…

