Thanksgiving in Lore: An Epic Journey

*Ellonnah removes the stuffed jungle vulture from the oven and replaces it with a moglinberry spiced pie. She beckons to Voltage to set the table and asks Occavatra to pour out the drinks for everyone. Dwightt sweeps through the door with a bundle of logs and tended the fire warming the cauldron of gorillaphant gravy.*

‘Volt…. make sure you set a place for Geek. It wouldn’t feel right to not have a place for him.” I smiled softly. “It was kind of him to let us gather for this feast in his home.”

Volt nods and grabs another mismatched dinner set from the cabinet. I scoop the stuffing from the vulture into a dish as Occavatra returns and passes him the dish and a bowl of mashed potato to put out. As he walks away, Volt returns from setting Geek’s place.

“Anything else you’d like me to help with?” he asked me briskly. He liked to help out.

“If you could fill the gravy boats, set them out, and retrieve the steamed veggies and place them?” I replied kindly. A *DING* sounded. “Oh! Pie is ready! Dwightt, could you light the candles? Everyone, sit!” I removed the pie and set it to cool, removed my apron and bustled to the dining room, seating myself between Voltage and Geek’s empty setting.

Dwight spoke up, “Who would like to bless it?”

Occavatra looked across the table. “Ellie should. She put this together, and she’s a priestess.” Everyone smiled a little with a friendly chuckle.

“Well, HighLord.” I said shyly. “Okay, then. Let’s bow our heads, I guess…  This meal is the work of many hands, and we offer you a share. Great ones, accept our grace, and upon our hearth, leave your blessings and care.” A gold glowing shimmer flows over and around the table from my fingertips, blessing the food and the those about to consume it. We all lift our heads.

“Let’s eat!” Voltage says as the energy dissipates, and he grabs a drumstick and tugs at it.

A sudden thud was heard at the door that startled us and we looked up. The door burst open and a figure in a green cloak, dusted in snow, stepped through the door. After shaking away the cool white flakes, long, nimble fingers lowered the hood of the cloak. It was Geek! He made it! I stood from my chair excitedly and gave him a hug, smiling, and Dwightt, Occavatra, and Voltage each greet him with a handshake and a hug, saying hello their “Hellos” and “We missed yous”. We finally all shuffled back to the table. Dwightt began to carve the vulture, I reworked my blessing for Geek; Geek, Occavatra, and Voltage were filling their plates and passing dishes. Voltage even filled mine for me. It was good to have us all together again. The only thing that could make it better was to be joined by the adventurers that are now on their own.

“Now, what is everyone thankful for, today?” I chirped through the laughter and indulgence.

Occavatra swallowed a mouthful of mashed potato and gravy. “I am thankful for my friends, and the AE team for having me be a moderator and for filling me with joy.” He smiled and nodded at Dwightt to go on.

Dwightt cleared his throat before speaking, “I am thankful for all the friends I have made along my adventures over these many years. Go ahead, Voltage.”

“I am thankful for AQW, the amazing opportunity you guys have given me to share my stories, and for knee armor,” he said before taking a large bite of food, chewing quickly and gulping it.. “How about you, Ell?”

“I am thankful for all of the love and support I get from my friends when I need it most. You all are amazing. And thank you all for helping me put this together.” I smiled and looked to Geek.

“I am thankful to each of you for helping to keep this going. To Ellonnah stepping in for Amon and finding Voltage. To Dwightt for acting in my place while I was busy. To Voltage for being enthusiastic and contributing when you can. And to Occavatra for keeping it alive and taking over fully. I can’t thank you all enough, and I really appreciate it.” We all smiled and expressed our gratitude and humbleness, before returning to our meals and chatter.

As the pie was served and bellies were getting full, the excitement began to die down… Until another strange sound was heard from outside. Artix, the great Paladin, burst in through the door! “Guys, we need your help! Undead, fire, turdracken, giant, Cysero!!!” And he rushed back outside to the sounds of yelling and fighting. We all rose and headed out, grabbing our arms and armor. Sure enough, there it was…

A giant, undead, flaming turdracken brought to life by… you guessed it… Cysero.

*To be continued*

**All thanks (except Geek’s) were provided by authors, and are their real responses. Modified slightly if at all to fit the story.**

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About Ellonnah

Blogger and gamer, mommy and wife, product tester, virtual Princess of Lore.

3 responses to “Thanksgiving in Lore: An Epic Journey”

  1. highvoltage225 says :

    Drumsticks are actually my favorite part of the turkey!

  2. Dwightt says :

    This was excellently written. Managed to warm by unbelievably cold heart. 🙂

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