Tribute Wall

A page to honor our fallen authors. We will always be grateful for their contributions during their time here on the site.


Lord Omni

Lord Omni joined shortly after the founding of the AQW Fansite. He was with us for some good times, but decided to step down from his position of Administrator. He will always be remembered as one of the “original three.”

Lord Omni was a really great guy and, for a while, I was in his guild. We had quite a many boss fights together, but I especially remember that time we *almost* duo’d Ultra Carnax. He was the third musketeer, even if he was the quiet one. He’ll be missed by anyone and everyone, especially the people that look at the site design (the majority of the setup was his idea).




1023404 was only with the Fansite for a short time, but in that time we came to adore him for his cyanic potato-ness. He stepped down from both AQW and his position of Author for personal reasons, and is now pursuing his own adventures in game-making.

1023404 was a really awesome blogger and an even better AQW mod. After he stepped away from his position as tester/moderator on AQW, he moved on to make his own game. Now Numbers is definitely one smart potato, and his game is going to be a big hit.



Chaosweaver Amon

Chaosweaver Amon, otherwise known as Grimlon, was with the AQW Fansite for quite some time. He took over the role of Administrator after Lord Omni’s departure, but has now decided to move on from AQW, and consequently, his position on this site. There will never be another human billboard quite like him. –I know, right? How are we supposed to find someone else that will fit in the tear-stained hot dog suit?

Just kidding. That thing is a one size fits all deal. I’ll see you on the flip-side, Amon. And by flip-side I mean Twitter.



Varick Von Dirge

Varick Von Dirge had a good run with the site. He had a successful series of posts after joining, but real life soon caught up with him, causing him to fall into inactivity. Varick decided it would be best for him to leave the site so as to give room for more potential authors. Lore’s favorite Drow will be missed here at the AQW Fansite.

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