Archive by Author | Optional Geek

One Last Goodbye

Hey there guys! Long time no see, eh?

I regret to tell you guys that since I have been so consumed with my real-life endeavors I really have been the epitome of inactive. I think since I hardly even have time to check my email for applications, it’s time I handed the blog to more active, dedicated hands. Nobody here has shown more ‘spunk’ than Occavatra. He’s a really cool guy and he’ll make for a suiting man-in-charge. I’m posting now so that you all know where I went. I leave my legacy here and I want you all to know I had the best time ever writing for you guys. Last I checked this place had over 5,000 views!

This site had made such an impact on my life I can’t even begin to explain how much I’ll miss it. I think I might just come back in a year or so after I am done with school and have more free time on my hands.

But until then,

Optional Geek, Signing Off

Geek’s Summer Vacation—Hah!

Hey guys!

So, I have been really quiet on here for quite a while. And I am so sorry about that. If you haven’t noticed (though I’m sure you have!) I added Occavatra as a writer, and he has definitely been doing a great job. But what have I been doing on my said “summer vacation?” Simple. Working working working. I’ve been working as a staff member for the Lorepedia team for a while, and it looks like we are making good progress. But I have also been dabbling in the primal art of release-writing. Even though the only content I have wrote that made it in game was the Deadly Dungeon of Dire Doom, that sparked something in me.

Something that will never go out.

The excitement of seeing the stuff I put on paper (hypothetically, of-course—it was typed) just a day before is now out for millions of people to see was just…awesome. It left me wanting to make more. More more more! Hopefully sometime soon I’ll be able to have a chance to do it again. Even though I have only had one go live, I’m still going to write more in hopes one will be worthy to make it!

Now, writing a release, I’d have some time to blog, right? Wrong, sorry. I have been working a lot in real life too…I actually need to leave for work in a couple minutes, as a matter of fact. After you get home from work all you really want to do is sleep, watch TV or play video games like AQW. And starting next month *gulp* back to school. My schedule will be packed but I swore I’d blog more often—even if I don’t sleep.

It looks like the blog has been kept in good hands, though! Everyone is doing such a great job! This blog would be long since dead without Dwightt, Ellonnah, Occavatra and even VVD (even though he has been quieter than I have recently). I hope you enjoyed my post…I will definitely blog more often…hopefully.

Though for now, I must be off.


Happy Birthday!

Hey Everyone!


Guess what day it is!


Guess what day. It. Is.


It is AQW Fansite’s first birthday! One year ago today I clicked the “Make a Website!” button for the first time. We’ve gotten so far since then!


~queue uplifting music~


I really wish I could make a longer post but I have so much stuff to do. I’ll be on later though..I hope.



Hey Guys!

Hey guys! I’m back!


Where did I go? Ehm…To work, and to school, and a lot of other things that have kept me preoccupied. Oh. And one other thing.


Do you know that thing with the things and the other things that you did to the things to get the thing?
(Do you know that Dungeon released last Thursday called Deadly Dungeon of Dire Doom where you fought to the bottom of the Dungeon to get the Staff of Mayhem?)

That was me.

Yep, I wrote the entire thing. The stressed out camping Witch Doctor? Me. The witty quest dialog? Me. I hate to toot my own horn but that was some exciting stuff! After Alina posted this:

My Notifications blew up! You guys’ responses were epic! It really made me feel good about what I did. But not good enough! I now have a craving that can only be sated by doing more releases. I now understand why Artix Entertainment does what they do to entertain you guys. It’s a really, really awesome feeling knowing that you made that many people happy. But enough about me! How did you guys like it?!

I was just told by Dwightt (who just got back from summer college so is having a lazy weekend) that I need to do the FNWotW. So I guess I’ll just throw it in here, K?


Dwightt’s Featured New Weapon of the Week v50

It’s the 50th one? Nice! I’ll make this one super epic, then, OK? So, you may have noticed those super awesome Limited Quantity Shop items? I’ll go ahead and break the rules to make this bad boy, the Edge of Chaos


Living on the edge, you can’t stop the Chaos from growing.

The Featured Weapon of the Week. I know, I know. It looks an awful lot like Cry of Chaos


Which made it’s spot in the FNWotW 5 weeks ago. And that one was very special, with it’s whole hint in the finale and everything, and this one does not, but it does have something pretty special to it. For one, it’s all purple and cool and purple, but the best part is that there were only 15,000 of these released. And with like, 200,000,000 players, that’s not many.

And now they are gone forever. But for those of you that did get it on time, good for you! I’m not even entirely sure if I got it for myself.


That’s about it! I hope this post made up for my lack of post…age recently.



Geeking Out v5



So we are in the middle of a war. We need to stop the thirteenth Chaos Lord! And in honor of that I am going to make a special post about….

Chaos Slayer



Chaos Blade
Rank Needed: 1
Mana Cost: 0 Mana
Cooldown: 2.3 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: The Chaos Slayer’s weapon attacks are empowered by Chaos making any weapon strike hit like a blade made of pure chaos. Every strike draws in more Chaos blight. Hits up to 3 targets. If you are Chaorrupted, this becomes a single-target ability.

Skill136.png Chaorruption
Rank Needed: 1
Mana Cost: 15 Mana
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
Type: Physical / Magical
Description: Let the Chaorruption take over and render your physical form. Deals moderate damage and Chaorrupts the Chaos Slayer, increasing crit and hit chance by 10% and focusing all attacks on a single target.
Skill137.png Enigma
Rank Needed:
Mana Cost: 13 Mana
Cooldown: 4 Seconds
Type: Physical / Magical
Description: Chaos is the unpredictable power shrouded in mystery. What effects will be inflicted onto your targets? Deals no damage and randomly applies up to 4 effects. Hits up to 6 targets, but will become a single-target ability if you are Chaorrupted.
Skill20.png Surge
Rank Needed:
Mana Cost: 27 Mana
Cooldown: 13 Seconds
Type: Physical / Magical
Description: Summon Chaotic forces to mend your wounds or protect your physical form. Either heals you for a moderate amount over 6 seconds or places a defensive buff significantly reducing all incoming damage for 8 seconds.
Skill138.png Pandemonium
Rank Needed: 5
Mana Cost: 30 Mana
Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Type: Physical / Magical
Description: Create even more Chaos with a massive explosion, hitting up to 6 targets and evolving all effects from Enigma into more powerful effects. If you are Chaorrupted, this becomes a single-target ability.

Passive Abilities

Passive Emnity
Rank Needed: 4
Type: Passive
Endurance increased by 25%
Passive Ultimate PowerRank Needed: 4
Type: Passive
 Description: Chaos, the power within, consumes you.


Passive  Spell Disruption
Rank Needed: 10
Type: Passive
Description: Spell Damage taken is reduced by 35%

Aha! The class template went all crazy there and took me literally a day and a half to fix it. But never fear, for my HTML skills are elite!

Apparently Geek is not as elite as he had hoped here. The rank 4 passive cut from the screen is named Ultimate Power and simply states “Chaos, the power within, consumes you.”

Geek is now elite once more.


Now, there are three different version of this class, and each one has a unique name and appearance. Aside from that, though, there is no difference. The skills are exactly the same for Chaos Slayer Berserker, Mystic, and Thief. As for how to get it, all you have to do is obtain Rank 10 in Chaos! Easy as pie. You can get a bounty of Chaos reputation by climbing Mount DoomSkull, and if you need more afterwards, you can farm the repeatable quest from Loremaster Maya in that map for easy rep. Oh, and don’t forget about the daily, it gives a whopping 5,000 (10,000 with a boost) Chaos rep every day! If you aren’t into farming rep, you can also take the shortcut and buy the class for 2,000 ACs.

Now for the HTU. I recommend full Lucky enhancements for this class. First you will need to determine what kind of battle you are looking for. Your tactics will change depending on whether you are fighting a single enemy or farming multiple enemies. This class is unique in the fact that the Auto Attack can hit multiple targets rather than the single target we are accustomed to. If you are fighting a boss, or are in a room with multiple hard-hitting enemies, you will want to start off with Chaorruption. This makes your AA and the rest of your multi skills focus on a single target, so as to not pull in unnecessary enemies that can mow down your HP quickly. Also, as a bonus, you get a 10% boost to your crit and hit chance and deal a nice amount of damage to your target. If you are looking to mow down multiple enemies on the screen with your awesome powers of Chaos, then you should leave this skill be. Next, you will want to hit your target(s) with Enigma. This skill will hit either a single target or multiple targets depending on whether you are Chaorrupted. For every target this hits, there is a chance for any of 4 effects to be placed on it. Each effect is different, and you will want to pay attention to which effects are placed on your target(s). Courageous can actually help the enemy rather than helping you, and will become even worse once you “evolve” the effect (more on that further down). But for now, here is a list of the possible effects that can come from Enigma:

  • Anguished! – Reduce enemy damage resistance by 50%.
  • Delusion!– Reduce enemy hit chance by 50%.
  • Impasse!– Reduce enemy dodge by 50%.
  • Courageous!– Increase enemy damage resistance by 50%.

So you see, that last one can really mess up a fight for you. After you have used Enigma enough times to get the effects you want, go ahead and use Pandemonium to do some big damage and “evolve” the effects from Enigma into stronger ones. The evolutions that are possible are:

  • Anguished > Atrophy! – Reduce enemy damage by 50%.
  • Delusion > Ataxia!– Reduce enemy crit chance.
  • Impasse > Numbing!– Reduce enemy haste by 50%.
  • Courageous > Paragon!– Increase enemy damage by 600%.

Yes, you read that right. If you evolve the Courageous effect (which is a low activation rate) into Paragon, the target gets a massive damage boost. So be careful when juggling your effects out there.  To wrap up main skills, use Surge periodically (or whenever you think you need it) to get either a 60% defense buff for 8 seconds or a decent Heal Over Time for 6 seconds. Both are incredibly helpful for when you get into a tight situation. As far as passives go, all but Ultimate Power are very straightforward. As of now, it seems that Ultimate Power only serves to reduce enemy damage by 1%. This could change, but as of right now it is pretty useless.

Note: Values for effects from Enigma and Pandemonium are not official, they were obtained through the hard work of players using the class and recording the results. Nothing about this class is 100% official, and one should wait for the Design Notes post with the official skills breakdown before passing final judgements on this class.


Now, onto the looks!

Thanks to Rock Lea for posing for this week’s photo.

Above you will see:

Chaos (Slayer) Berserker – Class art or armor that can be bought for Rank 10 Chaos or 750 ACs from Loremaster Maya in /mountdoomskull.

Chaos Mage Collared Cape – Rank 10 Chaos or 200 ACs from Loremaster Maya in /mountdoomskull.

Chaos Mage Ponytails – Rank 10 Chaos or 150 ACs from Loremaster Maya in /mountdoomskull.

Chaorrupter Unlocked – Legend gold or 300 ACs in Lore’s Defender shop in /chaoswar, or free player dropped by High Chaos Knight also in /chaoswar.


There you have it. A pretty wicked class released just in time to see the fate of Lore decided once and for all. Will you use these Chaos powers to destroy Lore or save it?

Until next time!




P.S. Special thanks to Dwightt for writing the “How to Use” and “Looks” sections this week.

P.P.S. I fixed the funky passive section. ~Geek

The Beginning of the End Starts Tonight!

Tonight when the chaos gong rings throughout Lore, we are beginning the end…of chaos!

Well, hopefully…

We could just all get chaorrupted/slain by Drakath and lose. But hey, we won’t know for…8 weeks. But tonight we begin!

If you are on Twitter, then you might have been followed by Drakath. He’s been randomly replying to random tweoples, maybe even you! For example:


This could be the start of something tremendous. But as of now I have not had any leak or anything from anyone. I’ll update as soon as I get something.



Geeking Out v4

Hello my loyal readers! Sorry for being late…There was this crazy Frogzard and of course she wanted to dance. I’m here now to stay. Well, for now anyway. Now let’s get to the class of the week. This one is one of my personal favorites and is called

Blood Ancient



Auto Attack
 Rank Needed: 1
Mana Cost: 0 Mana
Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.
Note: When attacking undead monsters, Spirit Power is gained

Hemophiliac Hemophiliac
Rank Needed: 1
Mana Cost: 25 Mana
Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: Does moderate damage and both weakens and slows your opponent for 4 seconds.
Note: Deals 125% weapon damage. 
Draw Blood Draw Blood
Rank Needed: 2
Mana Cost: 25 Mana
Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: Causes a moderate open wound on your foe. Smelling their blood increases your STRENGTH and SPEED for 6 seconds.
Note: Deals 165% weapon damage.
Regeneration Regeneration
 Mana Cost: 5 Mana
Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: Steals some of your opponents life and causes you to heal over time. The less mana you have the stronger the Heal Over Time is.
Soul Grip Soul Grip
 Rank Needed: 5
Mana Cost: 50 Mana
Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: Causes HIGH damage and stuns your opponent for 1 to 10 seconds!
Note: Deals 320% weapon damage.


Passive Abilities

Passive Potent Blood
Rank Needed:
Type: Passive
Description: Increase Strength by 10%
Passive Alacrity
Rank Needed:
Type: Passive
Description: Increase Haste by 10%
Passive Aspect of Mist
Rank Needed: 10
Type: Passive
Description: Rarely, your body takes the form of a hazy fog which reduced the amount of damage that you take to nearly 0 for 10 seconds!

Woohoohoohoooo! This class is a tank if you ask me. You’d normally want a mix of Fighter and Luck enhancements, though you can do one or the other depending on what you want to use it for. I should probably cover how to get it before I get into how to use it. This class is a stand-alone class, not needing reputation or another rank 10 class or anything. I should probably mention this class is Legend-Only, so free players can’t really get it…Sorry. But if you are a Legend, then you can go right ahead to /safiria (if you finished the Darkovia story up to there) and start on Orlok’s quests for Ancient Vitae. After you get 25, you can merge them for the Class. Easy, right?

Now for how to use it. It’s a rather easy-to-use class. I always start with Soul Grip, as it does some pretty gnarly damage and also stuns you opponent for a random amount of time. After you use that just smash Hemophiliac and Draw Blood. Those two are really helpful and there is no need for certain timing. Just use those until you almost run out of mana. When your HP gets to about half way, use Regeneration with has a heal over time, increasing the lower your mana is. Easy! Now once again my favorite part, looks!


I like this. Though the class is Legend-only, the rest is Free player gold. As per usual, no helm—love flaunting the hair. But the rest of it is:

Blood Ancient

Gia’s Primal Brawlers—Yulgar’s Legendary Suggestion shop: /join yulgar-35,000 gold

Wings of Dusk—Vampire Rep Shop: /join Safiria-15,000 gold and rank 3 Vampire.

I hope you enjoyed this Legend-only post!



Dwightt’s Featured New Weapon of the Week v45

Well, while Dwightt is out doing his thing I (Optional Geek) will be doing this week’s FNWotW. Let’s get straight to the point, eh?

The Feature New Weapon of the Week (since this was supposed to be written Friday before the new stuff, thus I will be using one of last week’s released items, as per usual) is


Chaorrupted Light of Destiny

As you may have noticed I have a thing for the “Light of Destiny” axes, and own like, all of them except for the Blinding Light of Destiny itself. This pretty little thang is dropped from Chaos Artix in /chaoslab at a 2% drop rate. Get it while it’s hot–err…still blinking!


Have a great week heroes!



Geeking Out v3

Hey Guys!


While I was sitting in my private librarium lastnight, I started thinking about random things. Such as “Geeking out with Optional Geek” is a palindrome…of sorts. It also looks really funny spelled as GowOG. Say it slowly. Goooowoooog. Yep. That’s what I do in my free time. It’s better than wasting my time on things like paying bills and buying food; am I right? Aaaanyway, shall I pull up the class




Auto Attack 
Rank Needed:
Mana Cost: 0 Mana
Cooldown: 0 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.

Sear Sear
Rank Needed: 1
 Mana Cost: 10 Mana
Cooldown: 6 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Scorches your foe for light damage. Also applies Scorch for Damage over Time.
Withering Blast Withering Blast
Rank Needed:
 Mana Cost: 20 Mana
Cooldown: 12 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: A blast of flame leaps from your hands burning multiple enemies around you, also causes a burn effect for damage over time and reduces enemy damage for a short time. Damage increased on enemies with Scorch applied.
Burning Ward Burning Ward
Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 20 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Surround yourself in a magic shield of fire. Reduces incoming damage, heals for a small amount and any enemy who strikes you takes damage. Damage increased on enemies with Scorch applied.
Flame Flame Orb
Rank Needed:
Mana Cost: 30 Mana
Cooldown: 40 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: A massive fireball flies at your target exploding for HIGH damage, also causing a burn effect for damage over time. Damage increased on enemies with Scorch applied.


Passive Abilities

Passive Heat of the Knight
Rank Needed: 4
Type: Passive
Description: Incoming Damage reduced by 10%
Passive Death’s Speed
Rank Needed:
Type: Passive
 Description: Increase Damage output by 10%
Passive Burn at Both Ends
 Rank Needed: 10
Type: Passive
Description: Occasionally, your Haste and Mana Regen will GREATLY increase for a short time.

I really like this baby. It’s pretty hard to get though. It’ll take non-legends 6 weeks of continuous playing in order to get it; Legends only taking 4. What you need to do is finish the Xan the Insane Pyromancer storyline. After that /join xancave and go to the library with Warlic in it. After you accept his quest you take a hike over to this guy:


Shurpu Ring Guardian

and he’ll drop a Guardian Shale. Then walk all the way back to Warlic and turn in his quest. You’ll get some Shurpu Blaze Tokens (2 or 3, depending on what quest you accepted). After you save up 84, you got to his merge shop and boom! There are some other neat things in there like: and


Pyromancer’s Mask



Xan’s Flaming Skull

And then some Adventure Coin goodies in there too,  like


Emblazoned Pyromancer



Xan’s Robes

Now I should show you how to use it, eh? Okay! Now, you will definitely want to use Scorch first. That will not only apply a DoT (Damage on Turn), but make all of your other attacks stronger by applying “Scorch” to the foe. After that, keep recharging Scorch and alternating Withering Blast and Flame Orb. Withering Blast is an AoE (Area of Effect) meaning it will hit any foe within range. Flame Orb does a crazy high hit, my personal best going upwards of 15,000 (it was a critical hit, though. These results are not typical and aren’t to be expected upon first use—I went a little fast talking commercial disclaimer guy there…). If you need a heal, make sure Scorch is applied and then use Burning Ward for a shield as well as a small to medium heal (not going to be a full heal, unless it’s a critical). Just keep repeating until your enemy is a smoldering pile of dust.  And for the best part….Looks!

How does this look?

That is:

Pyromancer—Explained above

Cape of Guiding—Run into an AQW Ambassador (like myself) and click our cape. Inside that shop is this cape, 0AC for all players

Molten staff—Dropped by Fotia Elementals in /fotia

I hope you enjoyed this one. Pyromancer is another one of my personal favorite classes. I enjoyed writing this, and I even took an extra day to make this one extra-awesome.

Thanks for reading!



Geeking out with Geek v.2

It’s Wednesay, right? Right? Okay, good. This week has been dragging. It might just be since I am waiting to buy a Playsation on Friday…Woo. But for now I am going to give you a post about…Hmm….




Auto Attack
Rank Needed: 1
Mana Cost: 0 Mana
Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.
Note: Deals 100% weapon damage

SummonMinion Summon Minion
 Rank Needed: 1
Mana Cost: 45 Mana
Cooldown: 16 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Summons an undead minion to your side or sends it into a frenzy doubling all damage at the cost of health.
Notes: Minion is Skeleton (Battle Pet). Raises your outgoing damage by 236%. Minion cannot be summoned in PVP if it’s not summoned before entering Arenas.
Weaken Weaken
Rank Needed:
Mana Cost: 15 Mana
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Weakens the target lowering damage and draining some of it’s life and healing you for the same amount.
Note: Deals 125% weapon damage
Infect Infect
 Rank Needed: 3
Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 3 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Infect yourself,damaging your health to restore mp.
Note: You are able to obtain NaN HP with this skill. Any HoT or DoT while you have X HP will kill you.
CommandUndead Command Undead
Rank Needed: 5
Mana Cost: 20 Mana
Cooldown: 6 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Order your pet to attack doing increased damage.
Note: Deals 188% weapon damage.


Passive Death’s Strength
Rank Needed: 4
Type: Passive
Description: Damage increased 10%
Passive Death’s Speed
Rank Needed: 4
Type: Passive
Description: Haste increased 10%


This class is a classic! It’s also one of my personal favorites. It’s the original soloing class, hits great damage, heals, and even comes with a pet! You’re probably wondering how to get this, right? Well, if you are a pro, buy it for 2,000 ACs. Just kidding. You’ll need Rank 10 Doomwood, and the Creature Shard, dropped by this pretty little guy:

Creature Creation in /maul

After that, go aaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllll the way up to the top of the tower of Necromancy. Merge it with the NUE Necromicon  and 50,000 gold and boom! Necromancer. Now, how to use it.

Firstly, summon your minion using Summon Minion. Not only will you get you own nifty little dude, but it increases your damage by 236%! Although, for a cost. It very slowly eats away at your HP for more or less 15 seconds. Not too bad, if you are of higher levels.  After that you want to use Command Minion which does 188% weapon damage. Use that until you run out of mana. Then use Infect  to bring your MP right back up. Now you’d have lost quite a bit of HP by doing that, so use Weaken to bring it back up. How does this work, you ask? It heals you based on the amount of damage you dealt after activating. Pretty simple. After you get a full heal go ahead and use Summon Minion again to deal that pretty little 236%.

Necromancer is slow, but it’s really fun to use. Now to the looks.

Necromancer Armor: Rank 10 Doomwood (see above)

Bone Sword: Reward from “Zorbak’s reward” in Yulgar’s Inn

Horc Warrior Cape: /join bloodtusk and go to Kagg’s Rep shop



