Season’s Greetings from Ellonnah and Voltage!

It was decided that this post would be a little bit unique and be written by TWO authors! But not just any two authors. You see, it turns out that WE’RE COUSINS! Yes, Ellonnah and Voltage are real life cousins. 2 geeks in a podracer that’s bigger on the inside (if you don’t get the references, we are close and are both geeks).

Ellonnah: This Christmas our families came together. It became mandatory when I was told that I was the only person Voltage even got a present for. How could I say no, right? I knew what I was going to get him, but for kicks, I asked him to pick 3 (or more) items $25- and I would randomly select one to be his Christmas present. Secretly, he and my hubby planned just as awesome a present for me as I had for him!

Voltage: I knew she was a Cysero fanatic [Lonnah whispers: It’s true!], and that she was getting me something from Heromart. So I put 2 and 2 together and got 42. I did a little looking around and found the perfect gift: a shirt that had Cysero flying on a piece of bacon! I had to get it. I asked her husband for her size and got ready to order her present. Then, tragedy struck…

Ellonnah: Oh no! What happened?? (I legit can’t remember this part of the story…)

Voltage: They were out! DUN DUN DUN! So I emailed Heromart and asked when they would get more shirts in. They said they didn’t know if they ever would get any more. My plans had been shot down quicker than mauve space ship. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t think of anything. At the time, I had just bought a digital version of ‘Something About A Dragon?’ from the One-Eyed Doll website to try to win a poster, which I did. I had actually asked them to sign it, not realizing it was digital. They emailed me and, after a conversation, they asked me to pick a CD for them to sign and send. I was looking through the store, when I found the perfect present.

Ellonnah: And it truly was! I love OED so much. Kimberly is truly the bestest ever. Soooo, what did you get meee?

Voltage: It may or may not have possibly maybe almost could have been a shirt signed by Kimberly, OED’s guitarist!

Ellonnah: Oh my gosh, it is!



Ellonnah in the One-Eyed Doll shirt from Voltage, signed by Kimberly and Junior!



Best cousin ever, right?? <Chaos Lord Kimberly was here> Now… I was going to get my dearest relative an Artix action figure… BUT!!! (Right? Another “but”, always something interrupting our plans)… My husband was looking and said “A personalized Artix is only $5 more, let’s get him that one.” So we did!  With Daimyo “Arf”ing on the box in shar pei *cough* excuse me… *Sharpie, and a few other doodles, and a signature from Artix, himself, Christmas shopping was complete!

Voltage: I was confident the package would get here in time, because Kimberly said that they were doing a big Christmas shipment that night, but as the days passed, I got worried. Our internet had been freaking out that night, and I wondered if the package had gotten through. But all my fears were put to rest when I opened a package to find Monster, signed by Kimberly, 2 OED stickers, a note, a piece of Laffy Taffy, and Ellonnah’s shirt.

Ellonnah: I want a sticker! What flavor was the Laffy Taffy? Also, I am SO excited for you to be a Paladin HighLord with me! We’re totally the coolest cousins ever. Our Artixes should be friends, I think. I was also pretty excited to open your present when it got here. I wanted to see all the things Artix drew on it and if it was, in fact, autographed. AND IT WAS! Yay!



The Artix HighVoltage got from Ellonnah for Christmas

The Artix HighVoltage got from Ellonnah for Christmas

Voltage: I think that it was strawberry, Ellonnah. If you want, I can give you the other sticker when I get OoT. I used the other to personalize my Magic case. So, Christmas Eve day, I got a bag, folded the shirt so it looked like a plain white t-shirt, covered it with tissue paper, and put it under the tree. I was so excited. All I had to do was wait. I actually had just got out of the shower when I heard that she was going to be coming over early to talk about AQW (you lied, by the way. I kept looking out the window.) Seriously, she and Issac were the last people to come over.

Ellonnah: In my defense, we were late because we forgot your present… it was worth being late. I would love a sticker for my lappytop, though. Well, I think it is time to wrap this up. I hope you all had an exceptional holiday! What did you get for Christmas? Anything geeky? This is Ellonnah, signing off!

Voltage: And good news! Since I got the Paladin Highlord class, I decided to become good (/cheer). How did I do this you ask? I simply asked King Alteon to cut my knee. He has a good sword arm. Cysero made me a new leg, can’t even tell it’s fake. This is HighVoltage225, and I will post again in 2015. Allons-y!

Ellonnah and Voltage: And BATTLE ON!!!

Happy Frostval, everyone!

Happy Frostval, everyone!

HighVoltage225 and Ellonnah

HighVoltage225 and Ellonnah

HighVoltage and Ellonnah showing off their awesome Christmas gifts from each other

HighVoltage and Ellonnah showing off their awesome Christmas gifts from each other

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About Ellonnah

Blogger and gamer, mommy and wife, product tester, virtual Princess of Lore.

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