I just heard that it is OCCAVATRA’S BIRTHDAY!! Now this is a momentous occasion. How he ever finds time to breathe between practically singlehandedly holding this site up, moderating in not only AQW but Epic Duel as well, and being his own person is incredible and I have a HUGE amount of respect for him.
I am proud to work on here with you, and I wish we knew each other so much better, honestly, but I want you to know you are doing an awesome job, thank you. Happy birthday, and may you have many more and some delicious dessert and food! Hugs all around!!! ❤

About Ellonnah

Blogger and gamer, mommy and wife, product tester, virtual Princess of Lore.

2 responses to “EXCUSE ME!!”

  1. Chaosweaver Amon (@GrimlonAE) says :

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. He’s a great guy, and I wish him the best of days!

  2. Occavatra says :

    Thank you so much, you guys. 😀

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